November 2020 Update
Welcome to our 2020 November update, where we share our latest news and publications on Innovating innovating.
i8 Ventures is a boutique consultancy specializing in digital transformation leadership. For more info see i8.ventures.
Yours Sincerely,
Prof. Yesha Sivan and the team
Digital Mindset Live event recording
Magnus Falk, VP at Zoom, talks about Zoom and the future of the workplace
Last month, Digital Mindset held an event with Zoom where we met Magnus Falk, VP at Zoom, who joined us live from London.
Magnus presented the future of Zoom’s product offerings, and how they are deeply intertwined with the future of the workplace.
Developing innovation skills in Israel’s Bio-Tech sector
Teva Pharmaceuticals Bio-Mix 2020: Annual National BioInnovators Forum Competition, hosted by i8 Ventures
i8 Ventures hosted the annual 2020 Bio-Mix event and competition by the Nation
al Forum for BioInnovators by Teva.
Bio-Mix-2020 featured Israel’s up-and-
coming top researchers, who pre
sented their innovative ventures. The winner was “The Digital Ear”, a venture by students at Tel Aviv University who developed a way to digitally treat hearing problems.
Read more about the event in Calcalistech
Prof. Sivan’s lecture at Applied Materials
The 6 digital transformations that every manager should master
At the beginning of November, Prof. Yesha Sivan presented to Applied Materials’ managers “The 6 Transformations You Need to Master.”
Prof. Sivan focused on 6 digital transformations, divided into internal and external, that each and every manager in the digital age should master and understand. These transformations are the key to managing the synergy between digital technologies and business strategy.
DigitalRosh: The Home Of Digital Leaders in Israel by i8 Ventures & Accenture
Now you can read about DigitalRosh in English
Prof. Sivan’s Presents the 3NN Model
The Three New Normals (3NN) Model was presented to students at the University of Saint Galen
During November, i8 Ventures’ CEO, Prof. Yesha Sivanpresented The 3NN Model, which he developed, to the University of Saint Galen. The model provides a way to understand, mitigate and hopefully thrive during COVID-19.
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