Digital Analyst (Tefen Industrial Park)

Tefen Industrial Park.jpeg We are looking for a full-time junior digital analyst for one of our clients, to execute a variety of challenging missions for the IT department. Job Responsibilities:
  • Tackle business challenges from end to end and take responsibility for the entire cycle from IT data infrastructure through analysis and reporting, to fully working automated data solutions.
  • Work in collaboration with business functions across multiple domains.
  • Build and analyze dashboards and reports.
  • Implement new processes in an ERP system.
  • Build PowerApps.
  • Perfect English and Hebrew (verbal, reading and writing)
  • Strong analytical skills
  • Advanced Google Suite skills (Google Doc, Sheets, Presentation)
  • BA in industrial engineering, Information systems, or another quantitative field.
  • Work in the Tefen Industrial Park (North, Israel)
  • 1-3 years experience
Note: This is a Junior Position To apply: Send a resume focusing on job function & requirements. Send links to some web-presence and/or portfolio. Send your application to [email protected] Only relevant candidates will be answered. Tefen Industrial Park.jpeg